Thursday, January 19, 2012

My First Haircutting Experience

 So, Eric wanted me to give him a haircut. I've helped him before, but I've never had full reign of the trimmers before, and let me tell you it was nerve wracking. I was too scared I was going to take too much off that I didn't take off enough, and you can see the result for yourselves...

 I didn't step back to look at it fully, and didn't realize I'd given Eric a really ugly bowl cut, until he looked in the mirror and tried to tell me really politely without hurting my feelings that it looked bad. Though he needn't have worried, because when he came out of the bathroom and saw him, I burst out laughing.

Don't worry, I didn't let him go like that, with Eric's help I redid it with less trepidation, and it ended up fine. I won't be opening a hair salon anytime soon, but it'll do.


  1. I tried doing David's hair for a while but he ends up just shaving it all off because I can't figure out how to do it.

  2. Blonde hair is the hardest...I practiced on craig a few months before interviews:)

  3. Good to know I'm not the only one who struggles!

  4. That is one of the first jobs my wife inherited when we were first married. Within the month, I gave her a pair of clippers and told her that I didn't believe in paying a bundle just to trim my hair. We've had a few bumpy moments with the haircut sessions, but she does a great job with me and all of the kids.

    Loved the did a great job!
