Wednesday, November 28, 2012

33 Week Update

I know I should have written this post last week, to go with the timing of my other update posts (18, 24), but I just didn't feel like it last week :) I was originally going to do weekly or biweekly posts... but well it looks like the best I could do is every 6 weeks.

Somedays I feel like I've had a very uncomplicated, easy-going pregnancy, and then others I feel like my pregnancy couldn't be worse (dramatic I know, that's pregnancy hormones for ya).

In reality, I have had a very easy, uneventful pregnancy, and most of the symptoms that make me hate the world are centered around the fact that my belly is growing, growing, and growing! Which makes for some pretty normal, but at times miserable, symptoms.

Being short: So this isn't really a symptom, but it makes functioning with a humongous belly quite difficult. And since I have a short amount of space lengthwise for her to exist in, the belly just comes straight out and fills every space--no basketball belly for me. Starting over a week ago people started commenting on my largeness and asking when I'm due and expecting me to say a week or two, get this shocked look on their face when I tell them how long I really have left. And that shocked look makes me want to either slap them, say mean things behind their back, or go hide in the toilet stall. So be ye, therefore, warned. Oh and it makes me hate women who get the blessed "basketball" belly. No offense, I will go back to loving and adoring their cute bellies in about 7 weeks.

Swelling: Ah the swelling! Where aren't I swollen? A little bit everywhere, but I'm definitely sporting some cankles, size varies day to day and morning to night. Even Eric hasn't been able to force a lie out about them. He usually says, "Don't look at them, we can worry about that after the baby is here." Therefore confirming my fear of nasty, fatty cankles. That's okay, mostly, he's paying back with lots of pampering.

Oh, and despite the fact that my legs and cankles are fugly, does anyone know how uncomfortable/painful swelling is? Cuz I had no idea. Anyone having any delusions, can watch me waddle down the stairs at work. I'm not walking like that besides I think it's fun. It's because my foot mobility is seriously limited and sashaying back and forth is the only way to move.

People say drinking water and putting your feet up reduces swelling, and it does to some degree, but it certainly worked better a few weeks ago. As a mark of my desperation--I'm in the market for some old lady compression socks.

Hormones: This one has been ongoing throughout pregnancy. But feeling constantly huge and swollen makes it worse. I cried about my legs and feet last night, just ask Eric. Cure? Panda Express, lying down and watching 24 while Eric rubbed my feet and legs, all followed by a bath.

Back pain: If I don't sit just right or stand for too long, I can get some killer back pain that will stay for the rest of the day. Luckily I do have a lumbar pillow for my work chair--thanks to my coworker, and that does help a lot.

So I have an insane list of projects for the nursery and baby, and most of them involve me spending hours on the floor measuring, cutting, pinning, and sewing. I have learned that If I do too much in one night, I will pay for it big time the next day. We're talking back pain extraordinaire, swelling, and general pain EVERYWHERE. So, I'm trying to be more moderate.

Hot, hot, hot: My body is 100 degrees all the time. No matter that it is late November, I can just not get cool. I thought this would calm down in the fall/winter. Nope, my body is in an eternal summer. Who sweats in November with the fan on? Me.  I cannot even fathom a summer baby. Nope, we will probably have all winter babies.

Numb hands: This is a new development and sooo weird. My right hand will go numb and stay numb.  I did it this morning while I was putting on my makeup and I had to keep taking breaks to try to reawaken my hand... ugh.

Walking like a bafoon: Even though I can't really see myself walk, I know how very pregnant women walk, and it ain't pretty. I can feel myself moving like that now, and I hate it, it makes me feel like I weigh 300 pounds.

Weird stabbing stomach pains: Sometimes I'll get these stabby, painful stomach pains, and they don't really seem to have any rhyme or reason to them. The doctor says it's probably just growing and stretching pains, but they definitely do stop me in my tracks sometimes.

Not being able to reach my feet: Not only can I not see my feet most of the time, I can no longer reach my feet. Putting on shoes other than slip ons now require Eric's help.

How hard it is to get up or move in bed: I feel like an 80 year old woman when I roll over in bed. Getting off the couch requires much maneuvering and Eric's help. If I forget something before I sit down, I usually ask Eric to get it for me, just because the whole process of getting up is so much work.

Desire to eat healthy food, but no energy/desire to cook: I really want to eat healthy, even like eating healthy, but it is more work. Let's face it roman, PB&J, pizza rolls and cereal are just easier. And I kind of have no energy to make healthy food, all my energy is spent on baby projects. I'm really looking forward to my mom coming after the baby comes partly so she can cook me some yummy, healthy food.

Besides all that, I'm doing great. No complications thus far. I went shopping on Black Friday for baby clothes, and found some of the most adorable clothes! I can't wait to put them on baby girl when she gets here.

Yesterday was 50 days until my due date. Eric told me not to count down, but I can't help it. I know I should be enjoying this last little bit of baby-free time, but I really want a baby, so how can I do that? Oh well, I will survive :)


  1. Oh man! haha. This post made me laugh out loud, for real. It is ALL so true and really takes me back to last winter when I was preggo. I felt the exact same way Shelley! ahh....and I still get slightly annoyed when I see those "basketball bellies"...when I was pregnant I felt like an over-sized bowling ball. My thighs were pregnant, my feet were pregnant, my face was pregnant. There's a baby in that tummy? Not a hippo? yeah, that's right. anyway, you're awesome. hang in there and it will be over very soon! plus, I have a theory that the cutest babies come out of the most difficult pregnancies. (don't quote me on that, though, cause it could be offensive to some...)

  2. I know you hate me right now, I'm one of the lucky basketball bellies preggos, but I do feel your pain for a lot of these symptoms! The sharp stabbing pains hit me at least 4 or 5 times a day, I can't get comfy in bed no matter what I do, I despise and dread bending over because it instantly gives me heartburn no matter how empty my stomach is, and I know very well how hard it is to enjoy the last couple months and not just sit around dreaming and longing for the baby to be out already! And then a few months after the baby is born you forget how hard it was and eventually get baby crazy and it starts all over again :) Hang in there, I am sure you know already how worth it it will all be when that sweet little girl is placed in your arms!! Oh, and you better be posting lots of pictures of that nursery, I can't wait to see what your crafty self does with it!

  3. I totally had the hand numbness! It's the worst! It was weird, it was all my fingers on both hands except my pinky and ring fingers. I cried over the cankles too, I hated that .
